
Showing posts from January, 2021
  January 22, 2021 To my Rainbow Baby, Today, I am 35 weeks pregnant! Oh my sweet little babe, do you realize how much you are loved? Do you know how many people have been praying for and anticipating your arrival? You truly have a village surrounding you of people that have supported your momma through this entire process. From the beginnings of infertility through IVF and now through this pregnancy, so many people have been surrounding us with their love, prayers, and support because they are so excited about the little miracle that you are and they just cannot wait for you to be here. I hope you can feel that love as you finish up your time in my belly. On Sunday, in the strangest way imaginable because of this pandemic, this village surrounded us from behind their computer screens to shower us with love and gifts to prepare for your debut. It was a bit of a whirlwind, as I did my best to see everyone who joined us in their little box on our Zoom screen. Your Gammaw managed the tech
  January 15, 2021 To my Rainbow Baby, Today, I am 34 weeks pregnant! We have been busy this week with lots of preparations for your arrival. Last weekend, your Gammaw and Pup Pup came over to our house and helped up do some things in the nursery. We hung some things on the walls, put up curtains, and added a few decorations that are gender neutral. There’s still a lot to do, but it’s starting to look like a nursery! I can’t believe that in a few short weeks, I’ll be rocking you in our glider (which still isn’t here yet), and changing you and getting you dressed on our dresser. It will still be a little while until I’m putting you to sleep in the crib, but that space will be all yours so soon, and it feels like the time to get here has flown by. I’m so excited to be able to add the finishing touches once you arrive. Your Gammaw is also working like crazy to finish preparations for the baby shower, which is this coming weekend, and I’m so excited!! Because of the pandemic we’re still li
  January 8, 2021 To my Rainbow Baby, Today, I am 33 weeks pregnant! It has been an exhausting week, little one! I went back to work on Monday, and not only was it my first day back after a 2 week break, but it was our first day back in the hybrid model at school. We went back to teaching in a schedule that is incredibly exhausting, physically and mentally, due to the fast pace of classes, the need to give up time to set up tech, and all the cleaning that needs to be done between classes. Add on top that the extra weight I’m carrying around while doing all of that, and let’s just say, I’m sleeping pretty well at night right now!! I’m definitely entering the phase of pregnancy where I’m getting a bit uncomfortable. I can’t stay in the same position for too long, sitting or standing, without having my back start to ache. A twenty minute drive in the car is torturous by the end. I ended up ordering a belly band and it came today- I’m wearing it now and it already seems to be helping! The
  January 1, 2021 To my Rainbow Baby, Today, I am 32 weeks pregnant! It is the first day of 2021, the year that you will make your appearance and join this family on the outside! How have we gotten here so fast?! How are you only 2 months away from making your debut?! This story has been 3 years in the making, and while it seemed like an eternity in the moment, it has now flown by so fast. There’s still so much to do before you get here, but I am so ready for you to finally be in my arms. As most people do, I’ve been reflecting on the past year and everything that has happened in our lives. Most people were ready for 2020 to come to a close, because it mostly was a dumpster fire of a year. This pandemic has really just been one of many things about this year that has made it so awful, and it feels like the whole planet is ready for a clean slate. This has truly been a challenging year for me at work. All of the things that have been thrown at me to try and manage as we teach in the mid