January 8, 2021

To my Rainbow Baby,

Today, I am 33 weeks pregnant! It has been an exhausting week, little one! I went back to work on Monday, and not only was it my first day back after a 2 week break, but it was our first day back in the hybrid model at school. We went back to teaching in a schedule that is incredibly exhausting, physically and mentally, due to the fast pace of classes, the need to give up time to set up tech, and all the cleaning that needs to be done between classes. Add on top that the extra weight I’m carrying around while doing all of that, and let’s just say, I’m sleeping pretty well at night right now!! I’m definitely entering the phase of pregnancy where I’m getting a bit uncomfortable. I can’t stay in the same position for too long, sitting or standing, without having my back start to ache. A twenty minute drive in the car is torturous by the end. I ended up ordering a belly band and it came today- I’m wearing it now and it already seems to be helping! The real test will be next week at work.

Other than the back stress, I’m feeling pretty great! Running to the bathroom a lot and pacing out my RLS a lot of nights, but I don’t have many pregnancy symptoms to complain about. I’m so grateful that God has provided me with this comfort after the long and challenging road we walked to achieve this pregnancy. I truly have love being pregnant and share this intimate time with you in my belly. But I’m equally as excited to see your face and smell your head and snuggle you in my arms!!

I was also busy outside of work this week- I had my last ultrasound before we meet you! You are a squished little meatball in there now, so mostly all I saw were blobs. But I got to hear your heartbeat again, and the doctor says everything is looking perfect! You are around 4 pounds, and you’re measuring one day ahead of schedule. You are in the 47% for size, right smack in the middle, so momma is hoping that means you’ll be a good size when the time comes to bring you into the world. Haha! You have flipped to the head-down position, getting ready for your entrance, which explains the constant pressure on my bladder! But being pretty squished in there is not prohibiting your movements- you still flutter and kick like crazy! I love every second, not only because it keeps my anxiety away, but because it’s a constant reminder of your miracle life still growing inside of me. So squirm away, my little wiggle worm!

This week, you are the size of a stalk of celery. In addition to weighing around 4 pounds, you are just over 17 inches long. Your immune system is built up, which is a good thing given the state of our world. It won’t protect you from this pandemic yet, but I’m glad to know it’s on its way. You now keep your eyes open when you’re awake and you’re drinking up to a pint of amniotic fluid a day! The coating of hair you developed to keep you warm is starting to shed, but we may still get to see some of it when you are born. I pray that God keeps you growing safe in my belly for a while longer, that you will grow strong and healthy before you make your arrival. I pray that He gives me comfort from the annoying pregnancy symptoms I’m experiencing, continues to give me peace of mind as you move around, and strengthens my preparedness for labor and delivery as we get ever closer to that day. I pray that He keeps your daddy safe and healthy, too; that we figure out the different causes of his health struggles so that he can fully feel like himself again, and that he be able to continue preparing for your debut alongside me. I praise Him as another week has flown by in this miracle He has given us, and I lay all of our lives in His hands to do His will.

I love you, little Rainbow Baby.

Love, Mommy


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