November 6, 2020

To my Rainbow Baby,

Today, I am 24 weeks pregnant! So much has happened in the last week to prepare for your arrival!! We started boxing up stuff in our spare bedroom so we can move everything out of there to start putting together your nursery. There’s still a lot of work to be done before the furniture comes, but we got rid of lots of junk and packed up things we want to keep for when we finally have a house. We also picked out your car seat, strollers, and pack n play, and started our registry with those items! We finally found a glider that your mommy loves for the nursery- it’s the style she’s been looking for in colors that will look nice with the rest of the furniture that’s going in the nursery. And I have officially retired my tiny little Lima Bean car and traded up to a small SUV. I’ve been driving my mom car for 5 days now and I really love it- it’s the perfect upgrade for me and I hardly notice a difference, which has made the switch super easy. We still have so much to do and plan in the next four months, but I feel very accomplished in checking all these things off our list!

I got to see you again yesterday! I had a doctor’s appointment to make sure my body is staying healthy for you. I had my blood drawn for a glucose test and had a check to make sure I’m not showing any signs of preterm labor. After all these checks, my amazing OB said, “Well that was the boring stuff. Let’s use the ultrasound to hear the heartbeat and get you some more pictures!” I just grinned from ear to ear at the sight of you. Your heartbeat is still nice and strong, and you’ve grown so much in 5 weeks! You were upside down yesterday while I was there, your bottom on the right side of my belly and your feet on the left, meaning that knob I feel digging into my belly every afternoon is probably your knee. The bigger you get, the stronger that knob feels and it is sometimes downright painful! Your head is right on top of my bladder, so that explains why I have to go to the bathroom all the time. But I don’t even care- flutters, kicks, jabs, constantly peeing, whatever. Stay cozy and strong in there little one, because I am so in love with every moment of it! When the flutters start going like crazy in the afternoons at work, it brings me such joy in the midst of my stressful work life. Every bit of discomfort will be so worth it when I get to snuggle you in my arms.

Two tiny feet and a strong man arm :)

This week, you are as big as a cantaloupe! You are almost a foot long and weigh a little over one pound. You are developing your sleeping patterns already, and I hope they are good ones! Many mommas say that their baby’s activity patterns in the womb continue after birth, so I hope that means you are sleeping at night when I am, because so far I haven’t experienced many flutters and kicks at night. Fingers crossed! You are also yawning, which I can’t wait to hear when you are born. You have eyebrows, eyelashes, and a little bit of peach fuzz, but all of it is still white since you haven’t developed pigments yet. Your brain is also getting more complex, developing memories and thoughts! That’s amazing to me! I wonder what you are thinking even now. Your skin is getting more opaque too, so you look more like a baby everyday.

Your momma’s body is in chaos at this point. I have jittery legs most evenings, my freckles are darkening, I have a line on my belly, my stretching skin tends to be itchy, and my pregnancy brain is in full force. And I don’t even care! I’m soaking up every minute of this time because it is something that I’ve been dreaming of and praying for for a long, long time. I am just so grateful that God has blessed me with this experience, and no amount of discomfort would make me trade this for anything else. You, little baby, were made from the love of your mommy and daddy, from the miracles of God, and just a little bit of science. And we are just bursting at the seams to hold you and love you.

I pray that God continues to bless this pregnancy, that He keeps you strong and safe and growing, and that He keeps me as stress-free as possible. I pray that He gives me the energy I need to get through my work days and continue making preparations for your arrival. I pray that, as things in our state continue to worsen in this pandemic, that He will protect all three of us from harm and illness, and that as we head into the holiday season, that He would bless us with time to enjoy each other and soak in these last few months together before you burst onto the scene. I continue to place all of the requests into God’s hands and pray that He do His will this week.

I love you, little Rainbow Baby.

Love, Mommy



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