
Showing posts from November, 2020
November 20, 2020 To my Rainbow Baby, Today, I am 26 weeks pregnant! I am writing this letter from a little cottage in the woods of Hocking Hills, on Burr Oak Lake. Your daddy and I have escaped the hussle and busyness of work and home for a few days to rest and refresh for our final stretch of this pregnancy and preparing for your arrival. This babymoon was very much needed, as both of our stress levels have been pretty high lately. We’re making gradual progress on clearing out the room that will be your nursery, and this week we were notified that your furniture is ready for delivery! There’s still so much to do in that room, so I was able to schedule the set-up a few weeks from now to give us more time to get everything done. But we definitely still have a lot to do, so taking a break and just enjoying some time together was a must! Today, we slept in (!!!) and then your dad made French Toast for breakfast. After a quick trip to the grocery store, we came back to our cottage and use
  November 13, 2020 To my Rainbow Baby, Today, I am 25 weeks pregnant! The weeks seem to fly by right now, as I am keeping super busy with all the demands at work and preparing for your arrival!! Your grandma and I got almost everything added to the registry this week and started talking about how we can have a safe baby shower in the midst of a pandemic in the middle of January. I think we have a good plan to keep everyone- especially you- safe, and I hope we will still be able to celebrate with the people we love despite the state of our world. There’s still so much more to do, but my nesting hormones remain happy with each thing that gets checked off the list! You are still wiggling and squirming away in my belly, all throughout the day. Usually when I am still, sitting at my desk working or relaxing in the evenings, is when you start going crazy. And you still find whatever position you are in when your little knee jams into the top of my belly the most comfy, because every afterno
November 6, 2020 To my Rainbow Baby, Today, I am 24 weeks pregnant! So much has happened in the last week to prepare for your arrival!! We started boxing up stuff in our spare bedroom so we can move everything out of there to start putting together your nursery. There’s still a lot of work to be done before the furniture comes, but we got rid of lots of junk and packed up things we want to keep for when we finally have a house. We also picked out your car seat, strollers, and pack n play, and started our registry with those items! We finally found a glider that your mommy loves for the nursery- it’s the style she’s been looking for in colors that will look nice with the rest of the furniture that’s going in the nursery. And I have officially retired my tiny little Lima Bean car and traded up to a small SUV. I’ve been driving my mom car for 5 days now and I really love it- it’s the perfect upgrade for me and I hardly notice a difference, which has made the switch super easy. We still ha
October 30, 2020 To my Rainbow Baby, Today, I am 23 weeks pregnant! Man, is your momma tired!! This was my first week at work with kids back in the building, and it was a nonstop whirlwind for 5 straight days. We’ve been using a block schedule so far this year in the distance model, so I’ve only had 3 classes to teach each day, and a 75 minute empty block for planning and grading. This week, we returned to our 8 period bell schedule, so I’ve been teaching all 6 of my classes each day with 46 minutes for lunch and 46 for planning. I don’t stop doing things for my job- teaching, planning, reading, going to meetings- from 7am until after 3pm, because I’m also staying after school everyday until at least 3:30, sometimes longer. There’s so many moving parts to this new model that it feels like doing a million piece puzzle blindfolded. I’m hoping that eventually I’ll get used to the new schedule, that I’ll find faster and easier ways to accomplish all the things I have to do to keep 3 differ