November 13, 2020

To my Rainbow Baby,

Today, I am 25 weeks pregnant! The weeks seem to fly by right now, as I am keeping super busy with all the demands at work and preparing for your arrival!! Your grandma and I got almost everything added to the registry this week and started talking about how we can have a safe baby shower in the midst of a pandemic in the middle of January. I think we have a good plan to keep everyone- especially you- safe, and I hope we will still be able to celebrate with the people we love despite the state of our world. There’s still so much more to do, but my nesting hormones remain happy with each thing that gets checked off the list!

You are still wiggling and squirming away in my belly, all throughout the day. Usually when I am still, sitting at my desk working or relaxing in the evenings, is when you start going crazy. And you still find whatever position you are in when your little knee jams into the top of my belly the most comfy, because every afternoon around 1:00, I can feel it’s steady pressure there. I’m not totally uncomfortable yet, but I’m definitely start to feel the strain on my body a little bit more. Yesterday, after teaching for three periods straight on my feet, my back was killing me from the added weight on my spine. I spent more of today in my rolling chair, sliding and spinning around the front of my classroom to engage kids at home and in person, so I suspect more of that in my future as we get closer to your arrival!

In the meantime, your daddy has been busy moving so much of our stuff into a storage unit so that we can clear out your nursery! There’s still a lot of work to do in that room- more boxes to pack, furniture to break down and store, but we are getting closer to being able to start preparing your room, and your furniture will be here before we know it. I cannot wait to paint, set things up, and decorate this space for you. I cannot wait to rock you in the glider I painstakingly searched for, to snuggle you in the crib that I knew was yours the moment I saw it, to watch you grow and strive in this room that I planned just for you.

Right now, you are the size of a head of cauliflower. You weigh one and a half pounds and measure 13 and half inches! Your hands are fully formed now, and soon enough you’ll be holding my finger, grabbing my hair, and sucking your thumb! You might even be doing that last one right now! Some of those flutters and wiggles I feel in my belly might be from you pedaling your feet, mimicking a walking motion. If you’re a boy, your testes are starting to lower. I can already imagine how embarrassed you are right now that I even said that!

As for me, my belly button is still an innie, I don’t have any stretch marks yet, and other than peeing all the time, I’m still feeling pretty normal throughout the day! I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before the itchy skin and restless legs aren’t the only discomforts I have to tolerate! With each day that passes, I become more and more certain that God is watching over every second of your growth, that He is making sure you are healthy and safe, and that three and a half months, we will get to see you and hold you and bring you home. I pray that God continues to take care of me too, providing safety at work, comfort throughout the day, and strength to continue working on that to-do list- balanced with peace and rest to make sure I don’t over-do it. I pray that He continues to hold every moment of this time with you in His hands and that His will will be done.

I love you, little Rainbow Baby.

Love, Mommy


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