October 30, 2020

To my Rainbow Baby,

Today, I am 23 weeks pregnant! Man, is your momma tired!! This was my first week at work with kids back in the building, and it was a nonstop whirlwind for 5 straight days. We’ve been using a block schedule so far this year in the distance model, so I’ve only had 3 classes to teach each day, and a 75 minute empty block for planning and grading. This week, we returned to our 8 period bell schedule, so I’ve been teaching all 6 of my classes each day with 46 minutes for lunch and 46 for planning. I don’t stop doing things for my job- teaching, planning, reading, going to meetings- from 7am until after 3pm, because I’m also staying after school everyday until at least 3:30, sometimes longer. There’s so many moving parts to this new model that it feels like doing a million piece puzzle blindfolded. I’m hoping that eventually I’ll get used to the new schedule, that I’ll find faster and easier ways to accomplish all the things I have to do to keep 3 different groups of kids engaged and informed on their tasks each day. But for now, I’m worried about how manageable this method of teaching is for the long haul, and mostly just dead exhausted from my busy days. I’m going to bed super early every night because I just can’t keep my eyes open anymore!

There’s also a lot to be worried about this week as things in our state get scarier with this pandemic. The numbers go up everyday, breaking records each time, and it does not seem that better days are anywhere in sight. Our school district had a surge in cases before we even open our doors to kids on Monday, so I’m worried about what that means now that the kids have returned. I’m doing everything I can to protect us both: wearing a heavy duty mask all day at school even though it is incredibly uncomfortable, sitting behind my plexiglass barriers when I meet with students, and doing so much cleaning and sanitizing each class period. I pray that God will put a bubble of protection around me as school progresses and that someone in charge- the governor, the superintendent, SOMEONE- makes the wise decision when necessary to return schools to distance-only learning until things are more under control.

In the meantime, you are squirming and wiggling away!! You are pretty quiet during the day when I’m busy working and running like a chicken with my head cut off. But once I get home and sit down to relax for a little bit, you start dancing and flipping all over the place all evening long. I’m wondering if that means you will be my wild child! Some of the girls at school said that their kids who were active in the womb were very laid back once they were born, so it seems like you might be less wild once you arrive. But for now, I’m enjoying each flutter, as it makes me anticipate your birth even more! Your movements are definitely starting to get stronger- if I hold still and wait long enough, one of your flutters causes a tiny pop on the outside of my belly that I can feel with my hand. Pretty soon it will be strong enough for your daddy to feel, and I cannot wait!!

Today, you are the size of a grapefruit. You are just over 11 inches long and you finally weigh over a pound! Your lungs are starting to produce a substance that will help you breathe air once you are outside of my belly. Since you are developing veins underneath your skin, it has a reddish tint right now. The nerve endings in your inner ear are fully developed, so you can respond to sounds and even be startled by a loud noise! You are starting to get used to my voice, which means you will recognize it when you are born. That is the most amazing thing to me! I’m continuing to pray that God protects you, helps you grow, and keeps me strong and healthy to keep you safe. I pray for his peace and comfort with the stresses of work and this pandemic, on top of all the preparations we need to do for your arrival, and I pray for time to relax and just enjoy this time as we anticipate your arrival. I know that God has every one of these requests in His hands, and I pray that He continues to do His will.

I love you, little Rainbow Baby.

Love, Mommy



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