August 28, 2020

To my Rainbow Baby,

Today, I am 14 weeks pregnant! Yesterday, I had my first appointment with the OB doctor. I was so nervous to go in there, to have the nurse put the doppler wand on my belly and search for your heartbeat. At this point in a pregnancy, you are still so little that it can take some time for them to locate it, but then I heard that pounding sound again, and just praised God over and over as the sound filled the exam room! You must be a wiggle worm, because the nurse kept having to move the wand to keep the heartbeat in range! You are still growing strong, with a heart rate of 156 beats per minute. I am so overjoyed to know that everything is safe and sound in my belly, and I cannot wait for my next appointment when I will get to see you again!

My OB doctor is wonderful. She has a very soothing presence, and made me feel so comfortable about my worries. I think she is going to be a wonderful fit for your anxious mommy. I do feel my anxieties ebbing away now, as I know we have officially entered the second trimester. I know that at any time, life can change course and things could go wrong, but I also know that the odds of that happening now have decreased immensely. And I am also feeling God’s peace continuing to wash over me as I get ready to launch this project I have been planning for the last several weeks. I have placed my confidence in Him, and I am trusting that He will keep you safe and help you grow so that the miracle of your existence can be a part of my journey that helps other women on the same path. The Holy Spirit would not have placed this on my heart if God wasn’t going to provide for His plan, so I will remain confident in his provision.

We have finally started to share the news of your impending arrival far and wide, and it has brought me immense joy to finally be able to share God’s blessing with our extended family and friends. The excitement and gratitude we’ve shared with our loved ones over God’s miracle has been such a sweet experience, and you are already so, so loved by grandparents, aunts and uncles- both blood-related and not- and extended family all over the country. Your great grandma Waldvogel is over the moon about you, and I pray this news will give her the strength to fight to be here when you arrive. You are going to be showered with love from so many people, little one. We are all so ready to meet you!

Today, you are the size of a peach, measuring three and a half inches and finally weighing over 1 ounce- that’s double the weight you were last week! Your growth is going to speed up at this point, and your mommy’s belly is really starting to pop out now. You are starting to develop into a boy or girl, though we won’t know for sure until you arrive- we want to be surprised! You are also sprouting some fuzz on your head, and growing a downy coat called lanugo all over your body to keep you warm. You are starting to use your facial muscles too, and I can already imagine the expressions you are making! I am starting to feel less nauseous, thank goodness, and my energy is coming back, too- although this week was a long one, being my first week teaching my students online.

I pray that God continues to protect you inside my belly, and that He allows you to keep growing each week. I pray He will continue to wrap me in His peace as I launch this message into the world, and I pray that He will use it to help women on their own journeys to a Rainbow Baby and to Him. I trust that He will continue to do His will in us, for our good and His glory.

I love you, little Rainbow Baby.

Love, Mommy


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