
Showing posts from December, 2022

Replacing Insecurity with Confidence

       When I sat down to write this piece, I wasn’t sure where to start. I have so many experiences related to my own insecurities, both in pregnancy and motherhood after loss and infertility, and in my life outside of that experience. Which stories are worth telling? Which ones are most relatable? Which ones will connect most to what I’m learning from God about insecurity and confidence? Out of sheer curiosity and with the hope that it might spark an inspiration for which story to pick, I googled the official definition of “insecurity.” It’s not like I don’t know what the word means; I’ve lived and breathed the word for most of my life. But I thought maybe reading the textbook definition would point me in the right direction for where to begin. God sure knows what He’s doing. The first definition of the word reads, “ uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence.” This is exactly what I’m feeling right now- uncertainty about myself as a writer. Do I really know what

Replacing Unworthiness with Entrustment

Listen to this post here      Feeling unworthy is something I’ve struggled with for a long time. I wasn’t very popular when I was in school, so I felt unworthy of friendship and attention, particularly in high school. I had a lot of friends that treated me poorly and I had crushes on a lot of guys who were very unkind to me. Most of my boyfriends and guys I dated through high school, college, and my adult life walked all over me and then rejected me like yesterday’s newspaper. My undergraduate degree is in Broadcast Journalism, which can be a ruthless business to try to break into. I killed many trees sending out resumes trying to get a job, and heard back from almost none of them. Out of the two interviews I got, one of them told me they intended to offer me the job after checking my references, then sent me an email a few days later saying they’d hired an internal candidate. When I finished my Master’s in Education, I killed another round of trees sending out resumes, and again