December 11, 2021

To my Rainbow Baby, Henry,

Today, you are ten months old! The year you were born is almost over, Santa is coming soon, and we are looking down the days until you turn a year old! It doesn’t seem possible that you are already almost a year old. It seems like only yesterday, we were praying for you, hoping that God would bless us with a miracle baby to grow our family. It seems like only a few moments ago, you were a tiny snowflake in Momma’s belly, growing and moving every day. Then you were born, a tiny little peanut- and I blinked and now you’re a chunky, happy, rambunctious little boy, getting busier and bigger every day! There’s so much tension in motherhood- longing for those days when you were a little snuggle bug, wrapped against my chest, and excited for the days to come when you will take your first step, say your first words, and grow into the person I have been dreaming of you to be. My heart can barely contain it all!

We’ve had a crazy busy month, getting moved into our new house! Daddy spent a lot of time over there fixing things and building things, getting everything situated for us to fully move in. We had the floors redone and the walls painted, and then at the end of November, we said goodbye to your first home on Woodside Drive and officially called Apple Blossom Road our home! We’ve been here for two weeks now, and things are finally starting to settle. The bedrooms are livable, the kitchen is mostly functioning, and Momma is less stressed about the mess and chaos. You seem to have transitioned fairly easily to your new space! You’ve had some struggles sleeping the last two weeks but we think that is mostly due to another round of teething. One of your top front teeth finally broke through this week and we think the other one is on its way soon! But other than that, you seem right at home, and we are so happy to finally be here as we have always dreamed.

The weather has been all over the place recently- dropping low enough to snow, feeling like summer again, and then going to chilly and rainy all in a matter of days. You saw your first snow right after you turned 9 months old, and you were definitely enthralled with it: giggling with Daddy, trying to catch the flakes, and watching it out the window. Your mom is not the biggest fan of snow, but I’m looking forward to some more substantial accumulation this year so that we can go out and play in it in our new, big backyard!

You are still an eating machine, which made your first Thanksgiving quite memorable! You ate just about everything we put in front of you: stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, even lima beans (which you actually seemed to LOVE)! But your favorite was the pumpkin pie; you threw a massive fit when we wouldn’t let you eat anymore!! You are definitely your mother’s son. You’ve also tried a lot of other new things this month, including butternut squash, asparagus, pears, and your favorite- peanut butter! We don’t think you’ll have an allergy to peanuts, but you’ve only had it a few times, so we’ll keep testing it out to be sure. You also tried your Uncle John’s favorite dish for the first time- macaroni and cheese. You love it as much as he does and you can’t get the spoons in fast enough!

So we are now gearing up for your first Christmas, and I think this is what I’ve been looking forward to most as a mom. We had our family Christmas pictures taken when we were in Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving with Gram and Pops. You got to see where Mommy and Daddy got married and meet our photographers Joel and Andrea. As always, they did an amazing job, capturing your sweet personality and your love of the lights. We took you to Wonderlights, a drive-thru light display, and you absolutely loved it! You were jumping in my lap and squealing the whole time, staring out the window and enjoying the music in the car. You love looking at Gammaw’s tree, and Momma was even able to get a little tree up this year amongst the chaos of moving. We’re all anticipating Santa’s first visit, and I just cannot wait to start sharing the magic of this season with you.

We’ve been talking a lot about the reason for the season, too. Gammaw has a play nativity at her house and has been reading lots of Christmas books with you about baby Jesus. Momma has been doing the same at bedtime, and we listen to Christmas carols in the car everyday. Last Christmas, I marveled at how Mary must have felt carrying Jesus in her womb, and this year my heart feels fit to burst thinking about how she held Him in her arms, nursed Him, and sang to Him, just like I do with you everyday. Seeing the Savior of the world as a tiny baby and carrying for Him knowing that one day He would rescue us all from sin, I cannot imagine the weight that must have placed on Mary’s heart, the tension she must have felt of wanting to keep Him safe with her but knowing she had to let Him grow to who He was meant to be. I pray that God will fill you with love and joy for this Christmas season, my sweet boy, and that He will help your Momma use it to start your faith journey with Him. I pray that our time as a family will be savored and enjoyed, and that we will make so many magical memories this year.

I love you, little Rainbow Henry.

Love, Mommy


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