November 11, 2021

To my Rainbow Baby, Henry,

Today, you are nine months old! Time just keeps on moving, you keep on growing and changing and learning, and this momma is stuck in that bittersweet place of wanting you to stay little forever and being so excited to see what you will do next! You are doing so many new things- moving everywhere you can using this hilarious army crawl that looks like you’re doing the butterfly in a swimming pool; eating just about anything we put in front of you, especially fruit; babbling, squealing, and chatting up a storm, breaking Momma’s heart every time “dadadada” comes out of your mouth; doing your darndest to walk by pulling to standing, walking around the kitchen with assistance, and even cruising just a little bit when we support you. You are giving us all a run for our money, and we just love watching you explore the world around you and learn to do all these fun things. But Momma would be okay if things just slowed down a little bit!

This month, you met so many new people and did lots of traveling again! We went back to Shamokin, Pennsylvania, to finally have a memorial service for your great grandma who went to be with Jesus while you were still in my belly. You got to see your Great Aunt Susie and Great Uncle Bobby again, and you also go to meet first cousins once removed Cory, Julie, Ryan, and Sam, and your second cousins Raegan, Tucker, Spencer, and Nora. You had a great time even though it was a fast trip, and you did a great job sleeping in your pack-n-play on the road for the first time. You also finally got to meet your Auntie Denise and Uncle John for the first time and you spent tons of time with them while they visited Columbus for a whole week! They hung out with you almost everyday at Gammaw’s, and Uncle John had lots of fun getting you to walk around Gammaw’s kitchen! They read you lots of books- including Uncle John’s favorite, Car and Trucks and Things that Go- and Uncle John got some Daddy practice changing your diaper! We would love for you to have a cousin some day, and Uncle John got a good start getting ready! We also went back to Pittsburgh and you went to your first wedding! We got to see second cousins Steven and Jackie get married, and you had a blast. You were so good during the service, and you stayed up way past your bedtime for a little bit of the party. You were not a fan of the loud music and cheering, but you looked absolutely adorable in your bowtie.

You tried lots of new foods this month. Right now your favorite seems to be yogurt with bananas, but you also enjoyed cantaloupe and you finally tried some eggs. You’ve gotten to try some stuff at restaurants, including potatoes. You still love zucchini and squash, but we cannot get you to try broccoli and cauliflower. We even gave you some steak- you weren’t sure about it at first, but once you got a good taste of it, you went to town! You are definitely a carnivore! You also celebrated your first Halloween. We didn’t get you a costume this year because I thought trick-or-treat would conflict with the wedding, but it turned out it was scheduled for earlier in the week when we were home. Mom fail! But we put you in one of your cute Halloween outfits and sat outside to pass out candy, and you loved watching the kids that came dressed up to our house. We didn’t have a ton this year, but it was still a bit of fun before bed time.

We also closed on our new house and started working to get things ready to move in at the end of this month! You’ve been over there a few times and you’re loving all the open space to roll and crawl while there’s no furniture or obstacles in the way. You’ve been out shopping with Mommy and Daddy to get materials and supplies for all the home improvement projects we’re doing before we move all of our stuff over, so there’s been lots of adventures to the hardware store, where you love looking at light fixtures and ceiling fans. We cannot wait to have everything ready to move into our new home as a family, and to be there for your first Christmas! Mommy has so many things planned to put up lights and decorations- I can’t wait for you to see it!

The biggest thing to happen this month was your baptism! Momma has been waiting for that day for a long, long time. All while she was waiting for God to put you in her belly, she would hope and pray for that day to come when she would watch baptisms at church. She wanted nothing more than to have a child to raise in the faith, to teach about God, and to bless God in return for the miracle He had provided. It was such a joyous day for that to finally happen! Your Auntie Denise and Uncle John were here to see it and become your godparents, and you did such a great job! I cried the most wonderful tears to finally watch Pastor Mike pour that water over your head and anoint you with oil, sealing you as a child of God. I’m so thankful that God has finally brought up to this moment and I pray that He makes me worthy and equipped to be your momma as I lead you in the faith. And we got to celebrate with cupcakes- even you- so that was great, too!

There aren’t many more of these left before your first birthday and I just do not know how that is possible. I pray that as we head into another month, that God would continue to keep you safe, help you stay healthy, and allow us to watch you grow and learn. I hope that He will help us savor all the moments as they whiz by and that He will give us patience and peace as we transition into our new home. I pray that our Thanksgiving holiday will be a joyous one, for we have so much to be thankful for this year! 

I love you, little Rainbow Henry.

Love, Mommy


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