March 4, 2021

To my Rainbow Baby, Henry,

Today, you are three weeks old! Holy cow, time is going warp speed. How are we only a week away from you being one month?! Time, please stop!! While so much of this newborn parenting season is hard, I do not want it to go by too fast. I am loving every minute of being your Mommy, little one, even when you don’t want to go back to sleep at 2:30 in the morning! I have been dreaming so long of being a mother, and now that I have finally been blessed with that opportunity, I want to soak up every single second of my time with you. Sleep deprivation and all!!

Speaking of sleep deprivation, we’ve made the big transition to daddy going back to work fully this week, and he’s had a very busy week back. It’s mostly just been me and you at home together during the day, and me and you up all night to nurse. Your grandparents have been here for at least part of most days, but mostly we’ve been working on a routine of mommy and son. This week has been pretty exhausting, but your sleep has improved every night this week, so I’m hoping things will continue to be manageable for me as we head into week 2. At the beginning of the week, I wasn’t doing much other than feeding you and snuggling with you throughout the day, but today we mastered the Boba wrap, and I have a feeling it’s going to be a game changer!! You were not having it with any of your sleep spots today- bassinet and glider were not cutting it. You just wanted to sleep on me, but I needed two hands free to make some lunch and fold laundry. So I wrapped you up in the Boba to see if you would nap there. You fussed at first, but eventually you conked out for an hour and half! I ate lunch with two hands and got all the laundry finished, folded, AND put away!! After your afternoon feed, I popped you back in there, and you are snuggled up on my chest right now as I write this. I don’t have much on my to-do list right now, but I will be able to get so much more done each day now that the Boba wrap is working for us! And it means I get to keep you close to me all day long, so it’s a win-win :)

You had your first Zoom call this week, at just 17 days old! We got the chance to introduce you to Pup-Pup’s family, otherwise known as the Loud Family, and you pretty much fit right in! Your great Aunties Mimi and Donna sang you your first rendition of “Tommy,” a lullaby that has been sung in our family since they were babies. Mommy paid close attention to all the words so that she can sing it to you, too. Everyone loved you so much, talked about how cute you are and how much they can’t wait to meet you in person and snuggle you. Then, as we were wrapping up the call, you started squirming and let out a nice, loud cry to let me know it was time to eat- show everyone that you belong in the Loud Family for sure. 

You also got to meet your Uncle John and Aunt Denise virtually this week. We don’t know when you will get to meet them in person, so they live all the way in California, but they were very excited to see you through the screen. Your Uncle John has joined your daddy in calling you “Hank,” a nickname your momma fears will stick. I really don’t mind, but you will always be “Henry” to me! We had a great conversation catching up with your aunt and uncle, and hope we can see them soon. Being born in the middle of a pandemic has made it hard for us to share you and introduce you to family, but we are grateful that technology has allowed us to connect with our families until it is safer for you to meet them in person. We have other virtual meetings planned with the rest of your extended family soon.

This week, I continue to pray for health and growth for you. You are still growing like crazy, becoming more alert everyday. You are surprising us all, especially your Gammaw, with how fast you are developing- this week you’ve been getting really strong with lifting your head during tummy time, and you’ve even flipped yourself to your back a few times!! Slow down, little man! We don’t want you getting too big too fast; it’ll make your momma cry! But truthfully, I’m so grateful that you are thriving and growing strong. Since you came two weeks early, there’s was always the possibility that some things might be slower for you to develop, but so far that is not the case! I thank God for giving me such a strong, happy, and healthy little boy. I pray He will continue to grant me patience and rest, and I continue to praise Him for the little miracle you are!

I love you, little Rainbow Henry.

Love, Mommy



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