March 25, 2021

To my Rainbow Baby, Henry,

Today, you are six weeks old! We have had a really great week, little one!! The adjustments we have made to your feeding regimen since being at the pediatrician have made a HUGE difference. You are sleeping great at night, less fussy during the day, more alert and playful when you are awake, and growing like a weed! Your cheeks are filling out and your belly is getting bigger in that adorable, baby fat way. If I thought you were growing like crazy before, you are really doing so now, and I’m so happy for that. I want you to thrive and be healthy, and I’m so grateful that God has led us to a pediatrician with such a great lactation consultant to help us make sure that you are eating properly so that you will be able to do that! And it doesn’t hurt that Mommy is getting more sleep and feeling less like a zombie!

You had another busy week this week with visitors and adventures out of the house! On Monday, you got to meet your Aunt Ashley for the first time, and on Wednesday, Mommy made her first trip out of the house being in charge of you and your puppy brother on her own. Aunt Ashley, Gram and Pops came over to help me, but it was a big step for me to get everything together and loaded up without your daddy around to help. We drove over to Gammaw and Pup Pups for a family dinner, and you got to have your first get-together as part of our big family! We are a little sad we won’t get to take you to meet Gram’s family over Easter weekend, but the doctor recommends we not travel with you until after your 2 months shots. So we’re hoping you’ll get to meet that side of the family over Memorial Day! You have a huge, loving, wonderful family, and we can’t wait for everyone to finally meet you in person!

Your first family picture with the Millers :)

Things in our world are still a little bit crazy, but we are inching ever closer to normal. Mommy is fully vaccinated from the virus that has forced us to live through a pandemic for the last year, and each week, more people in our state are eligible to get vaccinated. All of your grandparents are vaccinated, and so are your great aunts and uncles. As more people get vaccinated, it makes the world a safer place for your tiny new immune system to venture out into. Scientists are doing research on the vaccine in pregnancy and nursing moms, and there’s good news there, too! A mommy in Florida received the first shot of her vaccine while pregnant, just like your mommy, and then her baby was born. Her baby has antibodies for this virus, which means you could have antibodies too! They are hopeful this also means that moms can pass antibodies to their babies during nursing. So I am praying that God is using this wonders of science to protect you and lots of little babies like you from this pandemic, and I pray this means we are going to get our regular lives back soon.

You also hit a major milestone during this busy week- you gave Mommy a real smile for the first time! Oh man, did that just melt my heart!! To see your little face light up at me, to see how happy you are in your Mommy’s arms, hearing her voice and seeing her face- even if I am just a bunch of black and white blobs right now. I just can’t even stand how much I love and how that love keeps growing everyday as I watch you learn and grow. Every smile is a little miracle reminding me that, after so many years of listening to the devil’s lies that I didn’t deserve to be a mom, after so many years waiting for that deepest desire to be realized, God intended for me to be a mother and He intended for me to be YOUR mother. I’m just overwhelmed with love, and gratitude, and praise that He has finally brought us to this moment where we finally get to be parents to a precious little boy, a precious gift from God.

We haven't captured it on camera yet, but you have the best little smile ever!

I am so thankful for all the wonderful things that have happened this week: that you are getting the nutrition you need to help you grow, learn, and sleep; that we are surrounded by a wonderful family to help us support you and raise you; that God has blessed us with scientists who can bring an end to this past year’s struggle; and that you are smiling and happy to be my little boy. I knew that, if God blessed me with being a mom, that I would love the little baby He brought to our family, but I had no idea it was possible to love another living person this much. I pray that God continues to grow the love I have for you, your daddy, and our little family as He continues to grow you healthy and strong each week of your life.

I love you, little Rainbow Henry.

Love, Mommy



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