February 25, 2021

To my Rainbow Baby, Henry,

Today, you are two weeks old! Oh how time is flying!! I cannot believe you have been out of my belly for two weeks already, and tomorrow is your due date! You are growing like crazy, too. I looked at the pictures of you in your car seat when we brought you home from the hospital and compared them to how you look in the car seat now. You are already so much longer and filling up the seat more! Your cheeks are a bit chunkier and your legs are starting to be long enough to fill up your 0-3 months sleepers. You change a little bit everyday, which I love watching so much, but I also want time to stand still so I can keep you this little forever. I’m so excited for the adventures we’ll have when you are bigger and older, but each of these memories will be gone before we know it, and I just want it all to slow down!!

You have had some adventures this week! Last Friday, we took you for your newborn photo session. I was a little nervous that you’d be awake and grouchy for the photographer because we were supposed to try to keep you awake for at least an hour before we left but you were not having it!! However, you were a perfect little angel when we got there. Mom and Dad got to sit and relax (and your dad even took a nap!) while the photographer posed you and wrapped you and snapped pictures of you. You barely made a peep and the photographer said she didn’t see your eyes once! We got to see some previews of the pictures and they are gorgeous. You are already so handsome and photogenic! We are going to cherish them forever.

Your Gram and Pops Miller arrived on Saturday to finally meet you and they are as enamored with you as everyone else has been. You’ve gotten a lot of love and snuggles from all your grandparents this week, and we are looking forward to having all four of them around for these first weeks of your life.

On Tuesday, your Gammaw and I ended up taking you to the Children’s Urgent Care. Your Gammaw noticed some bruising that concerned her and when I called the pediatrician, they recommended we take you to the Urgent Care just to be safe. Thankfully, the doctor there did not seem concerned with what she saw and told me to keep an eye on it. It has gotten better over the last few days, so it’s definitely nothing to be worried about. But we’re already in the Children’s Urgent Care system at 12 days old! Hopefully this is not a sign of things to come- are you going to be a wild man and give your mother fits forever? Probably!

This week, I am praying that you continue to grow and be a healthy little boy. You are doing awesome with feeding, and I’m so thankful God has allowed me to provide that for you. Sleep is hit or miss right now- sometimes you sleep great and other nights you are ready to party! Your daddy will be going back to work fully next week, which means I’m going to be fully in charge of nights starting Monday. So I pray that God will help us find a good rhythm and routine to make that transition as easy as possible for both of us. I pray that He gives me patience to handle those late nights when you want to be wide awake, and that He gives me good rest when you are ready to go to sleep. I do not think I could offer enough praise for the blessing your little life has been to us in just the last two weeks. I pray that I will never cease to praise Him for all He’s brought us through and all He has given us.

I love you, little Rainbow Henry.

Love, Mommy



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