September 11, 2020

To my Rainbow Baby,

Today, I am 16 weeks pregnant! It has been another busy week for your mom and dad! This past weekend, we took a short trip to Cleveland to visit some of our friends who we haven’t seen in a long time. Your mommy hasn’t left the city of Columbus in 6 months, so it was nice to get out and spend some time with friends. Since there’s still a pandemic going on, we stayed at their house all weekend, hung out with their kids, and your dad and his buddy made delicious BBQ on the smoker. It was relaxing and fun and I needed it so much. It felt nice to be a little bit normal for a change, since so much in life is not normal right now.

Mommy’s getting into a routine with virtual school. It has been tough working from home, and I’ve had to make sure I’m drawing boundaries between work and rest so I don’t overdo it. We finally had some fall temperatures today, so I took your puppy brother for a walk, which was really nice after a long week sitting in a chair! I’ll be teaching virtually until at least October 9th, so I’m glad to have some consistency in that department for a little bit. Meanwhile, Daddy had his last day at his current job today and is starting a new job on Monday! His hours will be changing for the better- we hope- so I’m looking forward to getting some evening routines of dinner time and hanging out with him back in place so we can enjoy this time together before you come and rock our world :)

I think this pregnancy is starting to be real for your daddy. I caught him staring at my belly this morning, which seems to be popping out quite a bit these days (I could even see it when I put on a hoodie this afternoon to walk!). I asked him if it was freaking him out and he said, “Not yet, but it’s getting close.” It’s so interesting to me how different this time is for him. This pregnancy was real to me the minute the nurse called with my positive blood test. Every twinge in my belly, every wave of nausea, all the frequent trips to the bathroom, were signs that you were there. I could see that little bump in my belly when everyone else saw “Quarantine 19.” But it’s getting to the point where you can tell this isn’t just a food belly, but a baby belly, and your daddy seemed a little shocked by it this morning. It made me laugh- what did he think we were doing all this time, trying to get to you?! I can’t wait for him to see you and hold you for the first time. I don’t think he has a clue how much he’s going to love you <3

Today, you are the size of an avocado. Everytime I see the numbers of how much you’ve grown in the last week, I’m shocked at the speed of it now. At the beginning it seemed you were so tiny for so long. Now, you’re almost 5 inches long and weigh 3.5 ounces! You are starting to be able to hear my voice, so we’re starting a ritual tonight- Your Grammy Heilmann bought you your first Bible story book, so I’m going to be reading it to you everyday until you are here. You are developing a backbone and neck muscles and your heart is pumping 25 quarts of blood a day! I’m getting closer to feeling you move and kick, and I simply cannot wait for that moment.

I pray that God will continue to protect your life, that He will keep me healthy so that I can protect you and grow you strong. I pray that He will continue to ease my anxieties, give me peace, and help me to trust in His plan and protection. As I continue to share our story with others, I pray that they will be blessed by God’s Word flowing through me, and that I will help other women on this journey experience the joy of His blessings instead of the anxiety of their past. I thank God for all He has done through me and for me in the past 4 months, and I anticipate His continued sovereignty over the rest of this season. I place it all in His hands and ask that He continue to do His will.

I love you, little Rainbow Baby.

Love, Mommy



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