June 26, 2020

To My Rainbow Baby,

Today, I am 5 weeks pregnant! My blood work this week has all come back good- strong hormone levels indicating my pregnancy is progressing. Thank You, Heavenly Father, for your protection of this little life! Now I get to take a break from the blood draws and rest. But this also now means that there will be a wait until the next step- an OB ultrasound with my fertility doctor. For the next two and a half weeks, I just have to pray and trust that everything is going well inside my belly, that you are safe and healthy, and growing strong. 

I would be lying to you if I said I wasn’t scared. I am. What will I see when they put that probe on my belly? Will you be there, developing at the right pace, growing strong and healthy? What will I hear? Will there be a heartbeat? So many things could go wrong between now and then, and I struggle against all the “what if” fears. I know this is a ploy of the enemy- he wants me to be afraid, he wants me to doubt the goodness of God, he wants me to put my trust in anyone, anything but Jesus. For years, he has schemed against me with infertility, and now that this scheme is failing, he’s hoping my grief over my angel baby will get him a victory.

But I will not let him win. I will not let him steal my joy over this miracle that God has given us! I will continue to trust the goodness of my God and believe that, however this plan turns out, it will bring Him all the glory He deserves. I will not hide in fear. This week, I took a “week 5” bump picture. Of course, there’s no bump yet. At 5 weeks, you are the size of a peppercorn. You look a little like a tadpole, but you are already on your way to having a brain, spinal cord, heart, and blood vessels. When I told your daddy I needed him to take the picture, he said, “Maybe we should wait a little bit.” We both know that in a few weeks, those pictures could be memories of another angel baby. But I said NO. I will not let anything steal this joy from us. I will celebrate your life inside of my right now, and I will trust God to protect you so that someday, we will see a bump and feel you moving and growing.

I pray that Jesus will continue to protect you as you grow and develop. I pray that each week, you progress in size and that the building blocks of life form just where they are meant to be. I pray that God will continue orchestrating this miracle of life, so that you and I will stay healthy and strong for a sustainable pregnancy. I pray that we will see you and hear your heartbeat in 18 days, and that we will have another milestone check up to celebrate the beginnings of your life. I pray that God gives your mommy patience for the wait, that He gives her strength to endure the temptations of doubt and fear, and that He continues to show her His goodness each day as she continues trusting His plan. I pray that each step of this journey will continue to glorify Him, that I will be able to share it wisely to help others on their journey, and even bring women from all over the world to His kingdom. Thank You, Jesus, for all that You have given me this week. Keep this little life in Your hands once again and let Your will be done.

 I love you, little Rainbow Baby

Love, Mommy


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