July 3, 2020

To My Rainbow Baby,

Today, I am 6 weeks pregnant! We are in the midst of a wait until my OB ultrasound in about a week, so I am mostly wondering how things are going in there with your growth. Everyday, my pregnancy symptoms intensify- I am nauseous a lot and going to the bathroom more. It is not always a picnic, but I am trying to focus on gratitude each time another wave hits. It is beyond a blessing that I am feeling this way, because it means you are in there. Hopefully, it means you are growing just as you should. So thank You, God, for each wave of nausea and each trip to the bathroom! Never let me take for granted what you have blessed me with by complaining. Let me always see the beauty in feeling lousy!

My anxious thoughts about your progress never go away, but they have not gotten the better of me this week. There is constantly a nagging worry in the back of my mind that something will be amiss when I go in to see you for the first time. But God has been by my side this week, whispering His truth in my ear, which I am clinging to and using as my weapon each time the devil tries to let doubt take hold. God will use everything for GOOD, even if there is something wrong. God placed this desire deep in my heart- He created me this way- so He WILL fulfill this in my life, somehow, some way. I will not let Satan steal my joy over the miracle that God has given. I know the realities that may be in store for me, but I will not run too far ahead. I will walk God’s path for me, one step at a time, and place my hope in Him alone. He will protect you and He will take care of you.

At 6 weeks along, you are now the size of a pomegranate seed. That’s still so tiny, but you are triple the size you were last week! Your brain and spinal cord will start to develop, as will your heart. It will begin to beat, which we will hopefully see and hear in 11 days! The systems that will grow your ears and eyes will start to develop, and you will even develop small buds where your arms will be. So much life in a tiny little being. I pray that God will allow me to see you in this form when I go for my OB scan. I pray that you are right on track in this development. God, protect this little life and grow it strong!

I pray that God will continue to be with me this week as I continue to wait for this moment. I pray that He will keep joy at the forefront of my thoughts, that I will be grateful for what I have been given instead of fearful of what I could lose. I pray that He will comfort my anxieties and that He will keep the truth of His Word at the forefront of my thoughts, ready to battle the lies the devil tries to feed me. I pray that He will give me the strength to endure this wait and comfort me when I am not feeling my best. I pray that He will keep your little life in His hands, continuing to develop this miracle so that you will be perfect and healthy when we finally see you. I thank You, Jesus, that we have made it another week, this little one and I, and now I ask that Your will be done in our lives.

I love you, little Rainbow Baby

Love, Mommy


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