July 13, 2020

To My Rainbow Baby,

Oh sweet baby, I got to see you today!!!!!!! I got to hear your heartbeat!!!!!!! You are so perfect and I love you so so much!!!!!! You are an answer to every prayer that I have laid at God’s feet for the last 3 years! I am so thankful to Him that you are healthy and strong, that He has breathed His life into you, and that I get to be your mommy for a little bit longer. I pray that He will continue to hold You in His hands, that He will protect your little life, and that I will get to hold you in my arms.

Right now, you are a tiny peanut, nuzzled in tight to mommy’s belly, but your heartbeat is strong and fast- over 156 beats per minute! I knew you were in there, but you are so real to me now, and your daddy is beaming over you, too! So many people already love you so much, and we are all so happy that God is blessing us with you.

Snuggle into God’s love so tight, little one. Keep growing strong. I cannot wait to see how God has grown you again in a few weeks.

I love you, little Rainbow Baby.

Love, Mommy


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