
Showing posts from December, 2021
December 11, 2021 To my Rainbow Baby, Henry, Today, you are ten months old! The year you were born is almost over, Santa is coming soon, and we are looking down the days until you turn a year old! It doesn’t seem possible that you are already almost a year old. It seems like only yesterday, we were praying for you, hoping that God would bless us with a miracle baby to grow our family. It seems like only a few moments ago, you were a tiny snowflake in Momma’s belly, growing and moving every day. Then you were born, a tiny little peanut- and I blinked and now you’re a chunky, happy, rambunctious little boy, getting busier and bigger every day! There’s so much tension in motherhood- longing for those days when you were a little snuggle bug, wrapped against my chest, and excited for the days to come when you will take your first step, say your first words, and grow into the person I have been dreaming of you to be. My heart can barely contain it all! We’ve had a crazy busy month, getting m