
Showing posts from November, 2021
  November 11, 2021 To my Rainbow Baby, Henry, Today, you are nine months old! Time just keeps on moving, you keep on growing and changing and learning, and this momma is stuck in that bittersweet place of wanting you to stay little forever and being so excited to see what you will do next! You are doing so many new things- moving everywhere you can using this hilarious army crawl that looks like you’re doing the butterfly in a swimming pool; eating just about anything we put in front of you, especially fruit; babbling, squealing, and chatting up a storm, breaking Momma’s heart every time “dadadada” comes out of your mouth; doing your darndest to walk by pulling to standing, walking around the kitchen with assistance, and even cruising just a little bit when we support you. You are giving us all a run for our money, and we just love watching you explore the world around you and learn to do all these fun things. But Momma would be okay if things just slowed down a little bit! This month