
Showing posts from August, 2021
  August 11, 2021 To my Rainbow Baby, Henry, Today, you are six months old! You are officially halfway to one! How is that even possible? Just yesterday, you were a tiny little peanut born two weeks early, sleepy and snuggly all the time! Now you are a chunky little monkey, you are a busy little bee, and you are learning new things every day!! I simultaneously want time to stop so you will stay this little forever, and feel excitement to see you grow even more, learning to walk, trying new foods, and saying your first words! Either way, I have spent half a year loving being your momma, and I am so happy I get to do it for the rest of my life! We have had a great last month of summer together, but it went way too fast for your momma! Your sixth month started at the end of our trip to Pittsburgh, where we attended your second cousin Andrew’s graduation party. You and him are 18 years apart, which is the same age gap between me and him! I was graduating from high school when he was born,

Replacing Fear with Peace

     Listen to this post here    I’ve been planning this piece since the end of 2020. Around Christmas time, I decided that my word for 2021 was going to be “peace.” I had a few reasons for this decision. First, I had spent much of the past 3 years feeling very NOT peaceful, as we battled infertility, faced pregnancy loss, and generally felt very uncertain about the future of our family. Second, while 2020 was a year of excitement and celebration for us with the success of our IVF and planning for the arrival of our Rainbow Baby, the rest of life was mostly chaos in the midst of a global pandemic, racial injustice, and political turmoil. Third, I was already well aware that beginning our first chapter of parenthood was going to be super challenging, so I would need every ounce of peace that I could get. So in preparation for this to be my focus for the year, I determined that I would write my first blog post of 2021 about the topic of peace and therefore launch the year with an in de