
Showing posts from May, 2021
May 11, 2021 To my Rainbow Baby, Henry, Today, you are three months old! I just do not understand how that is possible. It feels like you were placed in my arms as a tiny newborn and then I blinked and here we are, three months later. You are getting so big, you have such a huge personality, and you are learning and developing every single day. I just can’t believe how fast time is going already, and we’re only three months in. I know that these weeks and months will continue to fly by, so I pray God will help me cherish each moment while I’m in it. We’ve had a busy week and a half since my last letter. Two weekends ago, we made the second stop on our tour to introduce you to your extended family. This time, we drove 6 hours to Belleville, Pennsylvania, so you could meet Gram Miller’s family, the Sharps. Because the drive was much longer, we had to plan out your feeding schedule to make sure our stops were well timed. We made sure you ate right before we got on the road, and you crashe
April 29, 2021 To my Rainbow Baby, Henry, Today, you are eleven weeks old! What an amazing week we’ve had with you, little guy! Now that you’ve had your two month vaccinations, we are starting the tour of introducing you to all of the people in your extended family, and it is already filling my heart with so much joy. You have such a big family, which means lots of people to love on you! Our family is also spread out in Pennsylvania and Maryland, so it means learning how to travel with a baby, which is already quite the experience for your parents! This week was our first trip away from home and it was so wonderful to finally start showing you off, and to get a little bit of normal back after this year separated from our families by a screen. Donna Marie, Your first cousin once removed (I Googled it!), was insistent that she had first dibs on holding you! Our first stop on the “Meet Henry Miller” tour was Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which is the home base from Pup Pup’s branch of the fam