
Showing posts from February, 2022
  February 13, 2022 To my Rainbow Baby, Henry, You are one year old! How can that be?! It seems like yesterday, you were the teeny 6 pound 13 ounce baby that was swimming in his going home outfit as we left the hospital, sleep deprived and awestruck that they were actually going to let us take you home and be in charge of keeping you alive. Now a whole year has passed, and you are our solid, silly, wild thing!! We’ve just wrapped up your birthday weekend, and we’ve shared so much laughter and celebration with friends and family. So before your first year officially comes to a close, Momma wants to reminisce on this past month. You have finally gotten the hang of hands-and-knees crawling, and you are motoring all over the house. You pull to standing on anything you can reach and cruise over anything that is in your path, but your favorite is walking around the house with someone’s help. You are practically running, and just today, you started getting brave enough to walk around the hous