
Showing posts from January, 2022
  January 11, 2022 To my Rainbow Baby, Henry, Today, you are eleven months old! The next time I write you a letter, it will be your first birthday! You are almost a year old, and I just can’t believe it. You have become such a big boy, both literally and figuratively, from the tiny babe who rushed into the world and our hearts two weeks early. The last month has been so fun as we wrap up celebrating the last “firsts” of the first year of your life. I’m feeling all the things about your impending birthday, but mostly, I’m so excited to celebrate you! The biggest thing we did this month was celebrate your first Christmas! We had so much fun making memories, but it was also a very busy whirlwind. We celebrated Christmas at Gammaw and Pup Pup’s first, and we had a great day at their house opening presents, eating brunch and dinner, and video chatting with Uncle John and Auntie Denise. You weren’t really into ripping the wrapping paper off the presents like I thought you would be, but you w