
Showing posts from September, 2021
  September 11, 2021 To my Rainbow Baby, Henry, Today, you are seven months old! We have settled into a groove over the last month that Mommy has been back to work, and I’m definitely getting used to being back full time. I miss you like crazy all day long, but I’m finding my rhythm at work again and enjoying being with my colleagues and students. You are having a blast with Gammaw each day, and Pup Pup is one of your favorite buddies when he’s working from home. Gammaw had a vacation to the Jersey Shore a few weeks ago, so you even had a whole week hanging out with Gram and Pops, who came in to watch you. We’re finding our new normal, and while I hope someday to be able to be a full time mom, we’re making this work for now and it’s not too bad so far. You’ve reached a ton of milestones this past month! You are really sitting up like a pro now, playing with toys, rotating to look around, and even starting to try to move out of sitting on to your belly- although you mostly just face-pla